End of life

End of life

End of life care helps someone to live as well as possible until they die and to die with dignity. Their wishes and preferences as we work with them to plan their care. Support is provided for family, carers or other people who are important to them.


11 0ctober 2023

Please note: Brimchalk Healthcare is NOT currently recruiting from outside of the UK. We have a recruitment process that does not include use of agents.

All vacancies, if open, are advertised on Indeed website ONLY!

It has come to our attention that a company is recruiting using our logo and the following email:, Please note, this is not one of our domains.
Whilst some of the information shared about our company is true, please look at the finer details. Recruits are being referred to our website to verify authenticity of the company, but requested to send their applications for processing to an email not associated with us. All our interviews are held via Indeed only.

NO ONE has been assigned to represent Brimchalk Healthcare in Zimbabwe nor anywhere else worldwide.

If you have been approached and have concerns, please contact